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Abe Hershkovitz

Abe Hershkovitz

Founder, CEO & President
Jacobson Holman Hershkovitz PLLC


Abe Hershkovitz founded Hershkovitz & Associates, PLLC, in Alexandria, Va. in 2003. He is a former Director of the Office of Petitions at the USPTO, where he worked for more than 27 years. Prior to working in the Office of Petitions, Mr. Hershkovitz worked as a Patent Examiner and then as an Expert Primary Examiner in automotive technology. As Director of the Office of Petitions, he worked on setting policy-related USPTO guidelines and oversaw a staff charged with rendering over 10,000 petition decisions each year. Mr. Hershkovitz specializes in petitionable matters and prosecution of Ex Parte and Inter Partes Reexamination Proceedings. He assists clients with complex matters before the USPTO and serves as an expert witness in litigated cases. He has strong business ties with many intellectual property firms in Europe and Asia. He lectures frequently to Bar Associations and international IP organizations on various topics of patent laws and regulations and procedural tips on patent prosecution before the USPTO.

Research Interest

Biologics and Biosimilars