Micro therapeutic Research Lab, India
Dr.Dineshkumar has completed his Ph.D at the age of 31 from Vellore Institute of Technology, also he was a Junior Research Fellow (DST-Funded). His Ph.D thesis on Studies on snake venom of Indian cobra and Drug Discovery and JRF topic was Exploring the structure and functional relationship of basic poly peptides from Elapidae venom. He has handled all chromatography techniques, Circular Dichrosim etc. After his Ph.D, he had joined as Senior Scientist in Virchow Biotech Pvt Ltd in India and involved in Research& Development for process development and technology transfer for the production of recombinant Urate Oxidase for Gout disorder. Later he Joined Micro therapeutic Research Lab Pvt, India and he developed recombinant human parathyroid peptide for osteoporosis disorder. Finally he worked and developed technology transfer for the production of recombinant Streptokinase for Myocardial Infarction.