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Ronald A Rader

Ronald A Rader

Biotechnology Information Institute, USA


Ronald A Rader has been President of his own publishing/consulting company, the Biotechnology Information Institute, since late 1990. He has a BS in Microbiology, Master in Library Science, and over 30 years experience as a pharmaceutical and biotechnology information specialist, author, publisher and consultant. He is a world-class expert in biotechnology and pharmaceutical information, competitive intelligence, technology and market assessments, and information resources development; and concerning biopharmaceutical products and bioprocessing. He is best known as the author and publisher of BIOPHARMA: Biopharmaceutical Products in the U.S. and European Markets, the only information resource specializing in biopharmaceuticals. He is also the author and publisher of the Biosimilars/Biobetters Pipeline Database. For 15 years, from 1988-2003, he was the author and publisher of the Antiviral Agents Bulletin, the only periodical specializing in antiviral and HIV drug and vaccine development. Prior to his own company he served as a chemical and biomedical information specialist with companies including the Gillette, MITRE Corp. and Computer Sciences Corp.


Abstract : Impact of the biosimilars pipeline and nomenclature on market development