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Sarfaraz K. Niazi

Sarfaraz K. Niazi

TheraProteins, USA


Sarfaraz K. Niazi, Ph.D., a leading authority on today’s biologic drug industry. Founder and Chairman of TheraProteins (TPI), a pure play biosimilar company located in Chicago, he is leveraging his diverse background and experiences to revolutionize the way biologics are made with the goal of enabling greater access to high quality, life-changing biosimilars. Niazi began his career in pharma at the University of Illinois, College of Pharmacy where he was a tenured professor before entering industry at Abbott Laboratories as Director of Technical Affairs in its international Division. Throughout his experiences, he witnessed a global disparity that fueled his passion for making high quality biologics affordable and accessible to people in need. He departed Abbott as a Volwiler Fellow to pursue that goal, first through consulting and soon thereafter through the founding of TPI.


Abstract : Succeeding in the Biosimilars Market: A Pure Play Perspective